Gualini Lamiere International S.p.a







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Gualini Lamiere International is heavily involved in the tunnelling sector, in bridge construction and in railway transportation which are fundamental parts of infrastructure systems of every industrialised country worldwide.

Even though the areas of application are different, these sectors share the need for the high quality machining processes available at Gualini Lamiere. As a result, the company is able to work together with important international customers and also provide engineering support.






The difficulty of these products lies in the highly advanced technological production processes that in turn are strictly connected with the architectural requirements defined by the designer, in order to allow a better blending of the structure with its surrounding environment.




The structure, which is installed along the two carriageways of a motorway for a length of 1,800 metres, consists of tubular profiles with a circular and rectangular cross-section.

A detailed design and a high level modularity have enabled the components to be produced very quickly. All the parts have been pre-packed in the workshop to optimise transportation. To reduce transfers to a minimum, to minimise handling operations and the storage of the parts and to speed up supply times, the production process is carried out in synchronisation with the assembly work.


Gualini Lamiere International’s first experience in the construction of bridges dates back to 2001. Since then various bridges, crossings and relative sub-assemblies have been produced in the factory in Bolgare for road, motorway, pedestrian and railway applications. The various application requirements of these products impose different production methods in terms of machining, assembly and installation processes.



Gualini Lamiere International is one of the leading companies in the rail transportation sector for the construction of structural sub-assemblies with a high level technological content.

In particular, the company which started 40 years ago with the construction of metal sleepers for the rails, is today involved in the production of rails for high safety APS systems and in the construction of load bearing structures for goods trains.


Costruzione e progettazioni di linee ferroviarie


Nell’ambito del tunnelling le applicazioni principali riguardano la costruzione di casseri e di conci in metallo per la realizzazione di gallerie ferroviarie e autostradali. Di particolare interesse è stata la costruzione della galleria di Rotterdam, nel biennio 2006-2007, tra i primi esempi al mondo per l’impiego di conci in metallo.


Gualini Lamiere International S.p.a

Gualini Lamiere International Spa - via Europa, 50 - 24060 Bolgare (BG) - Italy

  Partita Iva 02454640166 - Cod. Fiscale e Reg.Imp. BG 11182430154 - REA BG 289212 - Capitale sociale € 312.000,00 i.v.